Knowing Knowledge di George Siemens, 2006
Informal Learning, di Jay Cross, prefazione, introduzione e capitolo 1Guide to Online Education, 175 pagine
834 Tips for Successful Online Instruction, 71 pagine
E-learning concepts and technique, 198 pagine
701 e-learning tips, by Masie Centre
Emerging issues in the practice of University Learning and Teaching Editors: Geraldine O'Neill, Sarah Moore and Barry McMullin, 2005
Theory and practice of online learning Editors: Terry Anderson & Fathi Elloumi
Technologies for education, potential, parameters and prospects
Edited by
A Distance Education Reader: Insights for Teachers and Students, di Brent Muirhead
Educating the net generation Diana G. Oblinger and James L. Oblinger, Editors. 246 pagine
Perspectives on distance education Skills Development through Distance Education. 152 pagine
Alcuni titoli molto noti,altri meno.
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Christina Crawford
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